How to distinguish between a color combination trademark and a trademark with specified colors during the application?
Color Combination Trademark: A color combination trademark refers to a trademark logo that uses a combination of multiple colors. During the application, it is necessary to provide a clear description and representation of the arrangement and combination of colors used in the trademark logo. A color combination trademark is not limited to specific colors but provides protection to the entire combination of colors.
Trademark with Specified Colors: A trademark with specified colors refers to a trademark logo that uses specific colors, and these colors need to be explicitly specified during the trademark application. A trademark with specified colors will only protect the exact color combination specified in the trademark logo and will not cover other color combinations.
Therefore, during the trademark application, if you wish to protect a specific color combination used in the trademark logo, you should choose a trademark with specified colors. If you want to protect all color combinations used in the trademark logo, regardless of their arrangement, you should choose a color combination trademark. Properly distinguishing between these two types of trademark applications will ensure that the trademark receives the appropriate protection.
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