United Kingdom Trademark Search and Trademark Registration FAQs

 What is a trademark?

A trademark is a brand. It’s a word, phrase, symbol, or combination of those, that identifies your company as the exclusive provider of your product or service. A trademark must be unique or distinctive and cannot consist of common or generic terms alone.


What does trademark do?

A trademark identifies your company as the exclusive source of your product or service. To the average consumer, a trademark is an instantly-recognized symbol of your brand’s goodwill reputation and quality. Over time, a trademark becomes more valuable as the reputation of the brand becomes well-known, and accumulates goodwill.


 Why should I register my trademark?

The answer is two-fold. In order to protect against unauthorized third-party use of a conflicting trade mark and to preserve against somebody else seeking to stop continued use of your trademark.


What is the difference between trademark and copyright?

While copyright and trademarks are both forms of intellectual property, they have quite different legal functions.

Copyright grants the creator of an original work specific rights in relation to its use and distribution. These rights are granted automatically, and do not require registration. They apply to such items as literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works, and exist for only a limited time.

A trademark, on the other hand, is used to identify products or services; and usually takes the form of a logo or brand name. It distinguishes a particular source of goods and services from others; and allows trademark owners to take action against anyone using their brand without permission. These rights are not granted automatically but the owner to proactively protect their brands. Trademark registration is essential to anyone seeking to legally protect their brand.


What makes a good trademark name?

A good trademark name includes at least one unique or “distinctive” word, even if it also includes common, descriptive, or generic terms. Trademarks are grouped into categories according to how strong they are:

  1. The strongest type of trademark is a “fanciful” mark, which is a made-up word or phrase.  Famous brands “Xerox” and “Kleenex” are examples of fanciful marks.  

  2. An arbitrary mark, such as “Apple” for a computer brand, is another strong type of trademark that uses a real word or words in an unexpected or unusual way. 

  3. A “suggestive” mark hints at some characteristic of the products or services covered by the trademark. Suggestive marks combine an imaginative element with a descriptive element. Examples of suggestive marks are “Roach Motel” for a cockroach trap, or “Pizza Heaven” for a restaurant.

  4. A “merely descriptive” mark lacks an imaginative element, and is therefore not strong enough to function as a trademark on its own. As an example, “The Meatball Bar” would be considered “merely descriptive” of a gastropub that serves meatballs.   If the government deems your trademark to be “merely descriptive,” you will have to prove you’ve been using it in commerce for more than 5 years, or add a substantial logo design. You will not be able to claim exclusive rights in the descriptive parts of the trademark name; these will have to be “disclaimed.”


What are the trademark classes in UK?

Trademarks are categorized in products and services. There are in total 45 recognized trademark classes, which include every possible product or service categories. Selecting the most appropriate trademark classes are challenging to most users. We recommend you choose the professional services to get attorneys’ legal advice in selecting the right classes to best protect your interest.


 I want to register my trademark in UK. What is the process?

TrademarkElite can guide you through this process with 3 easy online trademark registration steps. By applying your trademark online with us, TrademarkElite will ensure that your application is filed in the correct way. Once you complete the online steps and make the payment, our attorney will recommend the most appropriate class(es) and good/service description to best protect your interest. Once the filing details are finalized with you, our attorney will submit your trademark application to the UKIPO, and you will be charged for the UKIPO government fee at this step.


What will happen after I apply for UK trademark in UK IPO?

Once your trademark application is filed with UK IPO,

  1. You will get feedback on your application (an examination report) in up to 35 working days.

  2. If UK IPO examiner has no objections, your application will be published in the trade marks journal for 2 months, during which time anyone can oppose it.

  3. Your trademark will register once any objections are resolved - you'll get a certificate to confirm this.


Who can own a trademark application or registration?

A trademark application or registration can be owned by one or more individuals, a Limited Company or a Partnership.


Can ownership of a trademark application or registration be transferred?

Yes, ownership of a trademark can be transferred from one legal entity to another via assignment. For a UK registered trademark or pending trademark application, the assignment must be recorded with the UKIPO to give it legal effect. TrademarkElite can help you prepare the required documentation and advise you on the recording process at the UKIPO.


What will be the renewal date of my trademark?

Your trademark will last 10 years. It can be renewed every 10 years in UK.
